AFAR, projecting out there

AfarAfar by Leila del Duca
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lovely colorful book, set in the distant future, in a desert community where Boetema and her brother Inotu must make their way int he world while their parents have gone off to earn some money. The only problem is, Inotu has gotten in trouble, and Boetema keeps going on spirit trips every time she falls asleep.

The places are real, and she wants to go back to the same places again, but can’t figure out why. Meanwhile, the two have to keep alive.

Good story telling. Lovely pictures, as you can see below. The brown scenes are the here and now part of the story, and the colorful ones are for when she is spirit traveling.

Good, quick read. Makes me wonder if there will be a volume 2, as this ending leaves a bit of things open. Oh, and Agama Wanwatu is caracturer from her myths, who is now a constellation which includes the North Star. (For us it would be Ursa Minor ).

Agama Wanwatu

Market scene

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Tor Short Story

When Stars Are ScatteredWhen Stars Are Scattered by Spencer Ellsworth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I do love me some Tor Stories on Thursday.

I love when SciFi makes you think, or makes you work for your story. As someone who isn’t Muslim, having the main characters, though technically not the protagonist, because he is an atheist, be Muslim, gives me, at least the “other” that so often happens in well written speculative fiction.

The bad guys, the other, are not the kite creatures, that are native to the land, but the Christian settlers that have also taken up living on this planet, and are only just tolerating how the Muslim are treating these beings that they see as pests, and the Muslims see as fellow beings.

Interesting story, well written.

Apparently the name of the short story is taken from the Koran.

Read it online at their site.

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